If you are looking for Best Free SEO Tools to rank your website fast, then don’t worry because in this article I’m going to share the 47 Best & Free SEO Tools.
Well in this fast-growing world, peoples are creating hundreds of blogs and websites each day, which increasing competition every single day !, so to beat that competition and to rank our Blogs/Website on top of the Google Search Results we definitely need to do proper SEO and other optimizations for our sites.
But it’s become difficult for those who are just starting their blog and don’t have enough investments to purchase those expensive SEO Tools and premium memberships, but don’t worry here is a brief free SEO Tools List just for you guys.
– Well in the end what we are doing for our websites is visible on Google, so we must need to use Google Search Console to index our site’s URLs, Sitemaps, check our site performance, and many more.
Google Search Console Dashboard
Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site’s Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results.
– Again to check your website’s analytics and reports, nothing is best than Google Analytics as it lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
– Google Trends is really helpful for News Websites/Blogs as it gives you all data and trending searches on google of any period, It shows trending searches, keywords, locations where the search is trending, and much more.
– We all know Google.com is most used by peoples for searches, but many people also use Bing By Microsoft for searches, so we must index our site’s URLs there also to get an extra amount of Organic Traffic to our blogs/sites.
Bing Webmasters Tool Dashboard
– You can use Bing Webmasters Tool not only for indexing and analytics, but it also has-
Well if you in the blogging or SEO field then I don’t need to introduce Ahrefs as it is one of the best SEO tool providers in the world, But do you know it has a Free Keyword Generator Tool which you can use for keyword research.
Ahrefs Keyword Generator Tool
You can use this Keyword Generator tool for (Google, Bing, YouTube & Amazon).
– Again a perfect free keyword tool by Google to do proper keyword research and analysis for free. But you first need to create a Google Adwords Account to use this tool.
Google Keyword Planner
– Identify the most relevant keywords for your brand with Google’s keyword suggestion tool, the Google Keyword Planner.
– Keywordplanner.net is the best alternative for Google Keyword Planner as it shows the same results as it uses google autocomplete API. So it can be useful if you don’t want to create Adwords Account.
– Well many of us don’t know about this, as we search anything on googles’ normal tab it shows limited results if we had already searched that keyword previously, but if you use Google in Incognito Mode it will give you more results as shown in the screenshot below.
Google Incognito Mode
– How to open Incognito Mode – Just by pressing ” CTRL + SHIFT + N ” together.
12. Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar Extension
Ahrefs SEO Toolbar is a free extension for Chrome and Firefox that provides useful SEO data about the pages and websites you visit.
Its free features are:
On-page SEO report
Redirect tracer with HTTP Headers
Broken link checker
Link highlighter
SERP positions
In addition, as an Ahrefs user, you get:
SEO metrics for every site and page you visit, and for Google search results
Keyword metrics, such as search volume and keyword difficulty, directly in SERP
– Rich results are experiences on Google surfaces, such as Search, that go beyond the standard blue link. Rich results can include carousels, images, or other non-textual elements.
– Again a top free SEO tool by Ahrefs, The SERP Checker by Ahrefslets you see real-time search results from any location, without using proxies and location-specific IP addresses.
– Well again if you are a blogger, I don’t need to say anything about Semrush as it is also one of the best SEO tools provider in the world. You can use it’s SEO and other link audit tools to grow your blog.
– It provides daily limited free searches in free accounts.
– It can be used to find out the technology stack of any website. Create lists of websites that use certain technologies, with email addresses and phone numbers. Use our tools for lead generation, market analysis, and competitor research.
– The Google Page Speed Insights is very useful for our site, as it analyzes and shows the load up speed of our websites, and also gives suggestions that we have to apply on our sites to increase its loading speed.
– Well if you are using WordPress then you might be familiar with these two plugins, but if you are not then you are ignoring a very useful SEO Tool, as these tools help you in doing proper On-Page SEO of your Blog/Website.
– So, start using these tools for better on-page SEO results, only for WordPress.
– SERPSIM is also a perfect tool as it helps you to create a search snippet for your article/blog/site.
-You can check how your article will be seen on search results, with this tool you can create a catchy snippet that will increase your CTR (Click Through Rate).
– This is another very helpful tool for any site, as we can’t copy & paste someone’s article on Google as Google will mark it as spam & won’t index it on search results.
– So, we must check the plagiarism of our article and then make useful changes if needed.
– If you are weak in writing an article and make lots of errors in grammar then this tool is for you, this will help you if your article contains wrong grammar or any spelling mistakes.
– It has a Chrome Extension too which is very helpful, and it works really good I personally tried it.
– This also a good website performance checker tool, it analyzes and shows the load up speed of our websites, and also gives suggestions that we have to apply on our sites to increase its loading speed.
– Well if you are running a business and you need clients or you need contact email of any site, just go to Hunter.io and enter the URL of the target site, this tool will extract all emails on that site.
So, these are some Free SEO Tools that can take your Blog/Site to next level, All of these tools are free while some have limited use per day, and some need signing up to use it free.
Well, I think this article helped you regarding Free SEO Tools, If you find this helpful then do share this with your blogger friends so that it helps them too, Thanks for reading.
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